Citation Index


Στις 16 Μαρτίου 2020, υπήρχαν 522 επιβεβαιωμένες ετεροαναφορές στο επιστημονικό μου έργο, οι οποίες έχουν ως εξής:

Τρεις (3) ετεροαναφορες για το: Tsaliki, L. (2016). Children and the Politics of Sexuality: The sexualization of children debate revisited. Palgrave MacMillan.
  1. Talburt, S. (2018). Afterword: Youth and scenes of sexual citizenship. In Aggleton, P, Vover, R., Leahy, D., Marshall, D. & Rasmussen, M., L. Youth, Sexuality and Sexual Citizenship(pp. 291-298). Routledge.
  2. Spišák, S. (2019). Porn and Norms; Pornography and normative notions of gender, love, sex and relationships in the sexual narratives of Finns on their adolescent experiences. University of Turku [Doctoral Dissertation] Retrieved from:
  3. Chronaki, D. (2019). “Why Internet Doesn’t Necessarily Matter”: Constructing Sexual Citizenship through Pornographic Literacies.  Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies6(2), 61-74.
Εξι (6) ετεροαναφορες για το: Tsaliki, L. (2016). ‘Tweeting the good causes: Social networking and celebrity activism’, in Marshall, P., D. and Redmond, S. (eds), Companion to Celebrity Studies, Wiley-Blackwell.
  1. Mayer, Sandra. (2017). Introduction: art and action: authorship, politics and celebrity. Celebrity studies, 8 (1), 152-156.
  2. Tadic, Borislav, Markus Rohde, and Volker Wulf. (2018). “CyberActivist: Tool for Raising Awareness on Privacy and Security of Social Media Use for Activists.” International Conference on Social Computing and Social Media. Springer, Cham.
  3. Taylor, A. (2016). Sheryl Sandberg and Roxane Gay: The Limits and Possibilities of Contemporary Blockbuster Feminism. In Celebrity and the Feminist Blockbuster (pp. 197-233).Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  4. Deflem, M. (2017). LADY GAGA and the Sociology of Fame. Palgrave MacMillan: New York.
  5. Cinque, T., & Redmond, S. (2019). Bowie Nets and Online Interactions. In The Fandom of David Bowie(pp. 151-175). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
  6. Woods, C. L. (2017). The Outsiders: Understanding How Activists Use Issues Management to Challenge Corporate Behavior. University of Kentucky. [Doctoral Dissertation] Retrieved from:
Μια (1) ετεροαναφορα για το: Tsaliki, L., & Chronaki, D. (2015). Rethinking the pornography debate in Greece: a country-specific reading of an ‘old’argument. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 29 (6), 811-820. 
  1. Chronaki D. (2017). Mainstreaming the Transgressive: Greek Audiences’ Readings of Drag Culture Through the Consumption of RuPaul’s Drag Race. In: Brennan N., Gudelunas D. (Eds.) RuPaul’s Drag Race and the Shifting Visibility of Drag Culture (pp. 197-212). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham

Δεκαπεντε (15) ετεροαναφορες για το: Tsaliki, L. (2015). ‘Popular culture and moral panics about ‘children at risk’: revisiting the sexualisation-of-young-girls debate’, Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning, special issue on sexual education.
  1. Martínez, C., & Olsson, T. (2018). Making sense of YouTubers: how Swedish children construct and negotiate the YouTuber Misslisibell as a girl celebrity. Journal of Children and Media13(1), 36-52.
  2. Quayle, E., & Cooper, K. (2015). The role of child sexual abuse images in coercive and non-coercive relationships with adolescents: A thematic review of the literature. Child & Youth Services36(4), 312-328.
  3. Spišák, S. (2016) Negotiating Norms: Girls, Pornography and Sexual Scripts in Finnish Question and Answer Forum. Young 25 (4): 1–16. Published online before print 3 November 2016. DOI: 10.1177/1103308816660482
  4. Dobson, M. R. (2016). Giving voice to girls: A child-centric examination of the lived experiences of young girls aged 7-13 in their personal media contextsCurtin University. [Doctoral Dissertation] Retrieved from:
  5. Du Plooy, C., Coetzee, H., & Van Rensburg, E. (2018). Psychological effects of multimedia-induced sexualisation of girls in middle childhood: a systematic literature review. Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health30(2), 67-85.
  6. Buchanan, R., Southgate, E., & Smith, S. P. (2019). ‘The whole world’s watching really’: Parental and educator perspectives on managing children’s digital lives. Global Studies of Childhood9(2), 167-180.
  7. Chu, D. (2017). Sex Talk: Discourses About Female Bodies in Hong Kong Media. Sexuality & Culture21(3), 882-900.
  8. Spišák, S. (2019) Porn and Norms; Pornography and normative notions of gender, love, sex and relationships in the sexual narratives of Finns on their adolescent experiences. University of Turku. [Doctoral Dissertation] Retrieved from:
  9. Chronaki, D. (2019). “Why Internet Doesn’t Necessarily Matter”: Constructing Sexual Citizenship through Pornographic Literacies.  Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies6(2), 61-74.
  10. Bensimon P., « La relation entre pornographie et hypersexualisation », Délinquance, justice et autres questions de société [En ligne], 19 octobre 2017.
  11. Edwards, T. (2018). Living dolls? The role of clothing and fashion in ‘sexualisation’. Sexualities, 1363460718757951.
  12. Spišák, S. (2019). The intimacy effect: Girls’ reflections about pornography and ‘actual sex’. Sexualities, 1363460720902719.
  13. Coleman, J. J. (2019). Writing with Impunity in a Space of Their Own: On Cultural Appropriation, Imaginative Play, and a New Ethics of Slash in Harry Potter Fan Fiction. Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures11(1), 84-111.
  14. Rédai D. (2019) Sex in the School: Adolescent Sexuality, Sexual Space and Sex Education in Marzipan. In: Exploring Sexuality in Schools. Palgrave Studies in Gender and Educatio Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
  15. Olsson, T., & Martinez, C. (2019). Making sense of YouTubers: how Swedish children construct and negotiate the YouTuber Misslisibell as a girl celebrity. Journal of children and media, 13(1), 36-52.
Δυο (2) ετεροαναφορες για το: Tsaliki, L. & Kontogianni, S. (2014). Bridging the disability divide?: Young children’s and teenager’s with disability internet experiences in Greece’. Journal of Children and Media, 8 (2), 146-162. 
  1. Newman, L., Browne‐Yung, K., Raghavendra, P., Wood, D., & Grace, E. (2017). Applying a critical approach to investigate barriers to digital inclusion and online social networking among young people with disabilities.  Information Systems Journal27(5), 559-588.
  2. Kaur, Herminder. (2017). Journeys and politics in and around digital media: an ethnographic study of how teenagers with physical disabilities use the internet. Loughborough University. [Doctoral Dissertation]. Retrieved from:
Δεκαεπτα (17) ετεροαναφορες για το: Stald, G., Green, L., Barbovski, M., Haddon, L., Mascheroni, G., Sagvari, B., Scifo, B., & Tsaliki, L. (2014). Online on the Mobile: Internet use on smartphones and associated risks among youth in Europe, EU Kids Online Report. 
  1. O’Neill, B., & Dinh, T. (2015). Mobile technologies and the incidence of cyberbullying in seven European countries: Findings from Net Children Go Mobile.  Societies5(2), 384-398.
  2. Ferreira, C., Ferreira, H., Vieira, M. J., Costeira, M., Branco, L., Dias, Â. & Macedo, L. (2017). Epidemiology of internet use by an adolescent population and its relation with sleep habits. Acta medica portuguesa30(7-8), 524-533.
  3. Rodríguez-Gómez, D., Castro, D., & Meneses, J. (2018). Usos problemáticos de las TIC entre jóvenes en su vida personal y escolar. Comunicar26(56), 91-100.
  4. Hadfield-Hill S., Zara C. (2018). Being Participatory Through the Use of App-Based Research Tools. In: Coyne I., Carter B. (Eds) Being Participatory: Researching with Children and Young People (pp. 147–169). Springer, Cham.
  5. Fridh, M., Köhler, M., Modén, B., Lindström, M., & Rosvall, M. (2018). Subjective health complaints and exposure to peer victimization among disabled and non-disabled adolescents: A population-based study in Sweden. Scandinavian journal of public health46(2), 262-271.
  6. Chambers, D., Cairns, K., & Ivancic, L. (2018). Young people, the internet and mental health. Irish journal of psychological medicine35(1), 1-4.
  7. Luciano Morganti, Mr Andrea Renda and Dr Kristina Irion, D.Hellemans, L.Lievens, E.and Valcke, P. (2015). Playing hide-and-seek? A legal perspective on the complex distinction between commercial and editorial content in hybrid advertising formats, info, 17 (6), 19-34.
  8. Martínez-Pastor, E., Catalina-García B. y López-de-Ayala-López, M. C. (2019). Smartphone, menores y vulnerabilidades. Revisión de la literature. Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación/Mediterranean Journal of Communication, 10(2), 257-268.
  9. Lee, D., Namkoong, K., Lee, J., Lee, B. O., & Jung, Y. C. (2019). Lateral orbitofrontal gray matter abnormalities in subjects with problematic smartphone use. Journal of behavioral addictions8(3), 404-411.
  10. Feijoo, B. & Pavez, I. (2019). Contenido audiovisual con intención publicitaria en vídeos infantiles en YouTube: el caso de la serie Soy Luna. Communication & Society, 32(1), 313-331.
  11. Castro, T. (2015). “It’s a complicated situation”. Harm in everyday experiences with technology. A qualitative study with school-aged children. Universidade do Minho, Instituto de Educação. [Doctoral Dissertation] Retrieved from:
  12. Alias, A. (2018). Children’s understanding of online data privacy: a study on Scottish Primary 6 and Primary 7 pupils. The University of Edinburgh [Doctoral Dissertation] Retrieved from:
  13. Flores Buils R, Caballer Miedes A, Romero, Oliver M. (2020). Efecto de un programa de prevención de ciberacoso insertado enel currículum escolar de Educación Primaria. Rev Psicodidáct, 25, 23-29
  14. Almogbel, A. (2019). Parental Influences on the Internet Use by Children in Saudi Arabia. Faculty of Health and Life Sciences De Montfort University. [Doctoral Dissertation] Retrieved from:
  15. Moreno-Guerrero A.J., López, J., Pozo, S., y Fuentes, A. (2020). Influencia del contexto en el uso de dispositivos TIC en la Formación Profesional Básica. EDMETIC, Revista de Educación Mediática y TIC, 9(1), 149-169. doi:
  16. Guerrero, A. J. M., García, M. R., & Ruíz, J. L. (2019). El Aula Invertida en contextos multiculturales. Estudio de casos/Flipped classroom in multicultural contexts. Case study. Educación y Sociedad17(2), 106-117.
  17. Wonsun Shin & Hye Kyung Kim (2019). What Motivates Parents to Mediate Children’s Use of Smartphones? An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 63:1, 144-159, doi: 10.1080/08838151.2019.1576263 

Εννεα (9) ετεροαναφορες για το: Tsaliki, L., Chronaki, D., & Ólafsson, K. (2014). Experiences with Sexual Content: What do we know from research so far, EU Kids Online Short Report. 
  1. Attwood, F., Smith, C., & Barker, M. (2018). I’m just curious and still exploring myself’: Young people and pornography. new media & society20(10), 3738-3759.
  2. Gasser, U. and Cortesi, S. (2016). Children’s Rights and Digital Technologies: Introduction to the Discourse and Some Meta-Observations. In M. D. Ruck, M. Peterson-Badali & M. Freeman, (Eds). Handbook of Children’s Rights: Global and Multidisciplinary Perspectives (pp.417-36).New York: Routledge.
  3. Keen, C., France, A., & Kramer, R. (2019). Exposing children to pornography: How competing constructions of childhood shape state regulation of online pornographic material. new media & society, 1-18.
  4. Kuzmanović, D., Pavlović, Z., Popadić, D. i Milošević, T. (2019). Korišćenje interneta i digitalne tehnologije kod dece i mladih u Srbiji: rezultati istraživanja Deca Evrope na internetu. (Internet and Digital Technology Use among Children and Youth in Serbia: EU Kids Online Survey Results, 2018). Beograd: Institut za psihologiju Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Available at SSRN:
  5. Chronaki, D. (2017). What Does the News Teach Young People About Sex?. In L. Allen & M.L. Rasmussen (Eds) Handbook of Sexuality Education (‘New Technologies, Space and Sexual Cultures’, eds A. McKee & K. Albury), (pp. 423-437). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  6. Kaewseenual, S. (2018). Risky Opportunities: Developing Children’s Resilience through Digital Literacy in Thailand. The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. [Doctoral Dissertation].Retrieved from:
  7. Martínez Fernández, G. (2018). La mediación parental en internet: estrategias, prevalencia y eficacia en Europa y España. Universidad del Pais Vasco. [Doctoral Dissertation] Retrieved from:
  8. Keen, C., Kramer, R., & France, A. (2020). The pornographic state: the changing nature of state regulation in addressing illegal and harmful online content. Media, Culture & Society, 1-18.
  9. Kuzmanović, D., Pavlović, Z., Popadić, D. i Milošević, T. (2019). Korišćenje interneta i digitalne tehnologije kod dece i mladih u Srbiji: rezultati istraživanja Deca Evrope na internetu. (Internet and Digital Technology Use among Children and Youth in Serbia: EU Kids Online Survey Results, 2018) Beograd: Institut za psihologiju Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Available at SSRN:

Εικοσι δυο (22) ετεροαναφορες για το: Innovative Approaches for Investigating how Children Understand Risk in New Media: Dealing with methodological and ethical challenges, Barbovschi, M., Green, L. and Vandoninck, S. (eds.) London: EU Kids Online, London School of Economics and Political Science (2013). ‘Introduction to ethical aspects in researching children and their internet use’ (L. Tsaliki and D. Chronaki); ‘Issues related to privacy, confidentiality and anonymity’ (L. Tsaliki, D. Chronaki, S. Vandoninck and L. d’ Haenens); ‘Language, gaining and maintaining trust, handling group dynamics’ (L. Tsaliki and D. Chronaki) 
  1. Bond, E. (2014). Childhood, mobile technologies and everyday experiences: Changing technologies= changing childhoods?.
  2. Mascheroni, G., Jorge, A., & Farrugia, L. (2014). Media representations and children’s discourses on online risks: Findings from qualitative research in nine European countries. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 8(2).
  3. Moore, T., McArthur, M., Noble-Carr, D., & Harcourt, D. (2015). Taking us seriously: children and young people talk about safety and institutional responses to their safety concerns. A report for the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
  4. Third, A. et al. (2017). Young and Online: Children’s Perspectives on Life in the Digital Age (The State of the World’s Children 2017 Companion Report). Sydney: Western Sydney University. DOI: 10.4225/35/5a1b885f6d4db
  5. Stoilova, M., Livingstone, S., & Kardefelt-Winther, D. (2016). Global Kids Online: Researching children’s rights globally in the digital age. Global Studies of Childhood6(4), pp. 455-466.
  6. Mostmans, L., Bauwens, J., & Pierson, J. (2014). I would never post that”: Children, moral sensitivity and online disclosure. Communications39(3), 347-367.
  7. Barbovschi, M. (2014). Dealing with misuse of personal information online–Coping measures of children in the EU Kids Online III project, Communications, 39(3), 305-326.
  8. Germain, J., Harris, J., Mackay, S., & Maxwell, C. (2018). Why should we use online research methods? Four doctoral health student perspectives. Qualitative health research28(10), 1650-1657.
  9. Ponte, C. (2013). Introduction: Children’s cultures and media cultures. CM-časopis za upravljanje komuniciranjem8(29), 7-16.
  10. Livingstone, S., Stoilova, M., Yu, S. H., Byrne, J., & Kardefelt-Winther, D. (2018). Using mixed methods to research children’s online opportunities and risks in a global context: The approach of Global Kids Online. SAGE Research Methods Cases. doi: 10.4135/9781526450197.
  11. Jorge, A., & Farrugia, L. (2017). Are victims to blame? Youth, gender and moral discourse on online risk. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies9(2), 285-301.
  12. Harris, J., & Porcellato, L. (2018). Opt-out parental consent in online surveys: ethical considerations. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics13(3), 223-229.
  13. Deszcz-Tryhubczak, J., & Huysmans, F. (2018). Reading and digital media: European perspectives. In M. Barzillai, J. Thomson, S. Schroeder, & P. van den Broek (Eds.) Learning to Read in a Digital World (pp. 1-30). (Studies in Written Language and Literacy; Vol. 17). Amsterdam: John Benjamins B.V.
  14. Lumby, C., Albury, K., McKee, A., & Hugman, S. (2018). Ethical issues in qualitative research addressing sensitive issues with children and young people. In Grealy, L., Driscoll, C., and Hickey-Moody, A. (Eds).Youth, Technology, Governance, Experience(pp. 101-116). Routledge.
  15. Jorge, A. (2015). A educação para a cultura de consumo e media. Interfaces das Relações Públicas com a Cultura, 125-141.
  16. Berman, G. (2016). Ethical considerations for research with children. London: Global Kids Online. Available from:
  17. Wagner, B., Kettemann, M. C., & Vieth, K. (Eds.). (2019). Research Handbook on Human Rights and Digital Technology: Global Politics, Law and International Relations. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  18. Harris, J, Germain, J, Maxwell, C and Mackay, S (2020). The Ethical Implications of Collecting Data from Online Health Communities. SAGE Research Methods Cases: Medicine and Health. ISSN 9781529716085 (ISBN)
  19. Third, A., Collin, P., Walsh, L., & Black, R. (2019). Young People in Digital Society: Control Shift. (1st ed.) (Studies in Childhood and Youth). London UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  20. Powell-Jones, H. (2018). How do young people interpret and construct risk in an online context?City University of London [Doctoral dissertation] Retrieved from:
  21. Martínez Fernández, G. (2018). La mediación parental en internet: estrategias, prevalencia y eficacia en Europa y España. Universidad del Pais Vasco. [Doctoral Dissertation] Retrieved from:
  22. Third, A., Livingstone, S., & Lansdown, G. (2019). In  Wagner, M.C. Ketteman, K. Vieth (Eds.), Recognizing children’s rights in relation to digital technologies: challenges of voice and evidence, principle and practice. (pp. 376–410). Human Rights and Digital Technology. Edward Elgar Publishing. 

Εντεκα (11) ετεροαναφορες για το: Attwood, Feona, Claire Bale and Meg Barker (Eds.), The Sexualization Report (2013), (Collaborator in the report) – The Wellcome Trust. 
  1. Lloyd, C. E., & Finn, M. D. (2017). Authenticity, validation and sexualisation on Grindr: An analysis of trans women’s accounts. Psychology & Sexuality8(1-2), 158-169.
  2. Renold, E., & McGeeney, E. (2017). Informing the future of the Sex and Relationships Education Curriculum in Wales. Cardiff University.
  3. Barker, M.J. (2017). Mindfulness in sex therapy .In Z.D.Peterson (Eds.) Handbook of Sex Therapy. Hoboken, (pp.437-452). NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
  4. Richards, C. (2017). Trans and Sexuality: An existentially-informed enquiry with implications for counselling psychology. Routl
  5. Mainardi, A. (2018). he pictures I really dislike are those where the girls are naked!’Postfeminist norms of female sexual embodiment in contemporary Italian digital culture. Modern Italy23(2), 187-200.
  6. Spišák S. (2019). Porn and Norms – Pornography and normative notions of gender, love, sex, and relationships in the sexual narratives of Finns on their adolescent experiences. University of Turku.[Doctoral dissertation] Retrieved from:
  7. Kumar, A. (2015). Developing Confidence in Negotiating the Multiple Influences in Understanding Sex and Sexuality in Therapeutic Practice: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Counselling Psychologists’ Perspectives. University of Roehampton [Doctoral dissertation] Retrieved from:
  8. Hakim, J. (2019). Work That Body: Male Bodies in Digital Culture. Rowman & Littlefield International.
  9. James, A. L. (2017): Fashioning the Vagina: A Qualitative Investigation of Young Women’s Perspectives. Monash University. [Doctoral Dissertation] Retrieved from:
  10. Cardoso, D. D. S. (2016). Entre Corpos e Ecrãs: identidades e sexualidades dos jovens nos novos media. Universidade Nova De Lisboa. [Doctoral Dissertation] Retrieved from:
  11. Barbovschi, M. and Staksrud, E. (2020). The experiences of Norwegian adolescents with online sexual messages. EU Kids Online and the Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo. ch/projects/eu-Kids-onlineIV/publications/2020/

Δεκα (10) ετεροαναφορες για το:  Tsaliki, L., & Rovolis, A. (2012). ‘Pornography’. In S. Livingstone, L. Haddon and A. Görzig (eds), Children, Risk and Safety Online: Research and policy challenges in comparative perspective, Bristol: Policy Press. 
  1. Garmendia, M. Jiménez, E., Casado, M.A. y Mascheroni, G. (2016). Net Children Go Mobile: Riesgos y oportunidades en internet y el uso de dispositivos móviles entre menores españoles (2010-2015). Madrid: del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea.
  2. Lindsay, J., & Maher, J. (2013). Consuming families: Buying, making, producing family life in the 21st century.
  3. Attwood, F., Smith, C., & Barker, M. (2018). I’m just curious and still exploring myself’: Young people and pornography. new media & society20(10), 3738-3759.
  4. Chronaki, D. (2013). Young people’s accounts of experiences with sexual content during childhood and teenage life. The Communication Review16(1-2), 61-69.
  5. Spišák, S., & Paasonen, S. (2017). Bad education? Childhood recollections of pornography, sexual exploration, learning and agency in Finland. Childhood, 24(1), 99-112.
  6. Spišák, S. (2017). Negotiating norms: girls, pornography and sexual scripts in Finnish question and answer forum. Young25(4), 359-374.
  7. Cardoso, D. (2016). ‘I sort of knew what i was, so i wanted to see what awaited me’: Portuguese LGB youngsters and their situated experiences with new media. In A. Dhoes, L. Szulc, & B. Eeckhout (Eds.), LGBTQs, Media and Culture in Europe (1st ed., pp. 208-224). New York: Taylor and Francis Ltd..
  8. Spišák S. (2019). Porn and Norms – Pornography and normative notions of gender, love, sex, and relationships in the sexual narratives of Finns on their adolescent experiences. University of Turku.[Doctoral dissertation] Retrieved from:
  9. Rodríguez de Dios, I. (2018). Risks of interactive communication in adolescents. Digital literacy diagnosis and intervention. University of Salamanca [Doctoral dissertation] Retrieved from:
  10. Garitaonandia, C.; Karrera, Ι. & Larrañaga, Ν. (2019). La convergencia mediática, los riesgos y el daño online que encuentran los menores. Doxa Comunication, 28, 179-200.

Δεκαεξι (16) ετεροαναφορες για το: Tsaliki, L. (2012). ‘The Greek “Indignados”: The Aganaktismeni as a case study of the “new repertoire of collective action”‘. Talk offered at the ‘In/compatible publics: Publics in Crisis – Production, Regulation and Control of Publics’ panel, within the Transmediale Media Art Festival, Berlin, Germany. 
  1. Simiti, M. (2015). Rage and Protest: The Case of the Greek Indiginant Movement. Contention3(2), 33-50.
  2. Georgalou, M. (2015). Small stories of the Greek crisis on Facebook. Social Media+ Society1(2), 1-15.
  3. Papadaki, M., & Kalogeraki, S. (2017). Social support actions as forms of building community resilience at the onset of the crisis in urban Greece: The case of Chania. Partecipazione e Conflitto10(1), 193-220.
  4. Varvarousis, A., & Kallis, G. (2017). Commoning against the crisis. In M. Castells, S. Banet, Weiser, S. Hlebik et al., Another economy is possible (pp. 128-159). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Polity Press.
  5. Kyriakidou, M., & Olivas Osuna, J. J. (2014). Press coverage and civic engagement during the euro crisis: Reporting the Indignados. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics10(2), 213-220.
  6. Marangudakis, M. (2016).Visions of Brotherhood; a Comparative Analysis of Direct Democracy in Ancient and Modern Greece. Política y Sociedad53(3), 773-793.
  7. Ferra, I. (2016). Understanding the Greek crisis and digital media: a cyberconflict approach. In Karatzogianni, ,Nguyen, D. & Serafinelli, E. (Eds.) The Digital Transformation of the Public Sphere (pp. 259-281). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  8. Koukou, A. (2017). Governance from Below and Democratic Rebuilding in Times of Crisis. In Hofkirchner W. and Burgin M. (Eds). The Future Information Society: Social and Technological Problems (pp. 329-352). World Scientific Series in Information Studies: Volume 8.
  9. Koutidou, E. (2014). European Union and Greek lifelong learning policy within an intercultural context: preliminary insights from research in the Sociology of Law. International Journal of Lifelong Education33(3), 309-325.
  10. Ferra, I. (2019). Digital Media and the Greek Crisis: Cyberconflicts, Discourses and Networks. Emerald Group Publishing.
  11. Voulgarakis, E. (2013). Divided We Stand–The Greek Indignados phenomenon: Legitimating mutually exclusive interests and ideologies through non-partisan, popular, anti-capitalist protest milieus. AAGS Conference Proceedings
  12. Bortun, V. (2019). Transnational networking and cooperation among neo-reformist left parties in Southern Europe during the Eurozone crisis: SYRIZA, Bloco and PodemosUniversity of Portsmouth. (Doctoral dissertation] Retrieved from:
  13. Marangudakis, M. (2019). The Discourses of the Second Metapolitefsis and of the Deep Crisis (1989–2015). In The Greek Crisis and Its Cultural Origins(pp. 201-252). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
  14. Kyriakidou, M., Osuna, J. J. O., & Hänska, M. (2017). The indignados in the European press: beyond the protest paradigm?. In Wimmer, J., Wallner, C., Winter, R., and Oelsner, K. (Eds). (Mis) Understanding Political Participation(pp. 117-134). Routledge.
  15. Vamvakas, V. & Dimitrakopoulou, D. (2017). The online element in intermedia agenda-setting: The case of the Greek Indignant Citizens Movement. In Dee, J.  (Eds.) From Tahrir Square to Gezi Park: Social Networks as Facilitators of Social Movements(pp.331-353). Oxford: Peter Lang.
  16. Padoan, E. (2018). A” latinamericanization” of Southern Europe?: Anti-neoliberal populisms in comparative perspective. Instituto de Ciencia Política de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile [Doctoral Dissertation] Retrieved from:

Ενενηντα πεντε (95) ετεροαναφορες για το: Tsaliki, L., Christos A. Frangonikolopoulos, C., A. and Houliaras, A. (eds) Transnational Celebrity Activism in Global Politics: Changing the World?  Bristol: Intellect (2011).
  1. Van Krieken, R. (2012). Celebrity society. Routledge. London & New York
  2. Isin, E. F. (2012). Citizens without frontiers. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.
  3. Wheeler, M. (2013). Celebrity politics. Polity: Cambridge.
  4. Redmond, S. (2013). Celebrity and the Media. Macmillan International Higher Education.
  5. Constantinou, C., M. (2013). Between Statecraft and Humanism: Diplomacy and Its Forms of Knowledge, International Studies Review, 15 (2), 141–162.
  6. Wessler, H., & Brüggemann, M. (2012). Transnationale Medienevents. In Transnationale Kommunikation(pp. 119-136). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden.
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